After 11 years in ministry, I’ve learned more life-changing lessons than I can count. One of the biggest takeaways? Living for Christ and staying in your comfort zone just don’t mix. When it’s time to step into the unknown, we need courage—courage that only God can provide.
So, let’s dive into three amazing stories of Biblical courage. These aren’t just tales of human bravery; they’re about what God accomplished through those who trusted Him. Let’s explore these inspiring examples together!
From Cowardice to Courage: The Transformative Journey of Peter
Read: Luke 22:54-62, John 21:4-5. Acts 2:14-41
It’s amazing how Christ can completely transform a life? Take Peter, for example. We find him initially heartbroken and filled with shame, returning to his old life of fishing after denying Jesus. Fear of persecution paralyzed him, even though he once boldly professed his faith.
But then, everything changed. Peter’s encounter with the risen Christ and the overwhelming grace and mercy he received reignited his spirit. (Yes, the same grace Christ offers to us all!)
Fast forward to Pentecost, and you see a new Peter—one who boldly stands before thousands, fearlessly proclaiming the Gospel. What could transform such cowardice into courage? Love. “Perfect love casts out fear.”
It was those precious moments on the shore with Jesus, coupled with the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, that transformed Peter’s life. He moved from cowardice to courage, showing us that with Christ, true transformation is possible.
Anyways Bravery: Nehemiah’s Couragus Moment
Read: Nehemiah 2: 1-8
“Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to feel the fear and do it anyways.” This quote beautifully sums up what I like to call “Anyways Bravery,” and Nehemiah is a perfect example of this kind of courage.
Nehemiah’s heart was stirred by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the Israelites returned from Babylon. As the king’s cupbearer, he had a unique opportunity to ask for help — but that was no small feat. If his request backfired, it could have spelled disaster.
Nehemiah felt the weight of this risk. Yet, he pressed on and made the bold ask. Through his bravery, God moved the king’s heart, and eventually, the walls were rebuilt.
Asking for help isn’t always easy, is it? Even though we may not face the same challenges as Nehemiah, true boldness doesn’t have to mean going it alone. We all need support now and then. Inviting others into our journey can be tough, but it can also bring incredible results.
When it feels like we’re in over our heads, let’s trust God to guide us to the right people—those we feel safe reaching out to. Together, this tribe will stand by us, helping rebuild as God heals the brokenness in our lives.
Courageous Enough to Believe: Gideon’s Couragous Moment
Read: Judges 6:11-32
Sometimes, following Christ means breaking free from the labels life has put on us and having the courage to believe that God can use us, too. This brings us to Gideon.
When God called Gideon, he told him to go use the strength that he already had. (Judges 6:14) But Gideon didn’t see himself as strong.
He came from a tribe that was considered the least, of all the tribes. His family the least of all the families, from that tribe. Gideon, was the least esteemed in his whole family. Talk about starting from the bottom.
Yet, when God wanted to deliver the Israelites, He chose to use Gideon. Despite his doubts and fears, Gideon trusted God to work through him, and God did amazing things with his belief.
When God first spoke to Gideon, in Judges 6:12, God ignored all the negative labels and saw Gideon as the strong person He created him to be.
You might feel like the least or the most unlikely, but take heart—being courageous often means trusting God to do something new in you and through you. Remember, God delights in using the unexpected.
Even if you’ve never seen it happen before, God can do something new. So, what courageous step will you take today?
God is the one who empowers us to follow his will for our lives. His strength never runs out. Lean on the Lord today. Be good courage. Our God can be trusted